Sometimes, even in the busiest of seasons, you must make time for yourself. This time is like the fuel to your creative fire, brightening an already burning flame. Although it isn’t easy for a photographer to take a small break during busy season, I made a vow this year, I will take a break. I’ll break for personal projects, such as this, or trips with my family, such as the trip we’re going on to California. I’m even making time for evenings out with my girlfriends. These are the things who make me, me. Without them, I become stale, dissatisfied, frustrated. And, who wants a stale, dissatisfied, frustrated photographer?! NO ONE. So, my first break early this year was for a personal project. One that challenged me to see outside the box. One that inspired me to create creative, abstract designs from common items. And, one that, I believe, will help me to see details, shadow, and light differently.
I spent the morning rummaging through some of my abstract images I took while visiting the PEARL in San Antonio Texas. https://atpearl.com/about
If you haven’t been to the Pearl, stop what you’re doing and GO. Well, go after you finish reading this blog. It’s an incredible spot for artists. The best part is that the Pearl has a hiSTORY. As stated earlier, I love to explore history. I’m most interested in a town’s local history.
Each of these photographs were created with one goal in mind: abstract. Take a literal object and make it figurative. If you want to learn more about abstract art check out this site: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/a/abstract-art.