Ripley Sea Turtles


As a photographer I try not to miss opportunities where I can capture special moments and share them with my friends and family. When I can combine photography and doing a good thing, well that warms mu heart even more.  Last year, on Jul 21, 2018 at 6:50 am, I went to assist the Sea Turtle Science and Recovery at Padre Island National Seashore, Corpus Christi Texas. We assisted in releasing 101 newly hatched Ridley Sea Turtles.

The Kemp's Ridley sea turtle is the most critically endangered sea turtle in the world.

 I took my family down to Corpus Christi at 4:00 am. The kids thought I was crazy and they weren’t too happy because I was “making them do this”. I kept telling them (when they woke up) that this is a very good thing we’re doing. This may be the last time they will ever get to witness and assist with such an event.  Also, it’s important that we do whatever we can to help preserve what little sea life we have remaining.  I took images of the staff handling the baby turtles and shared them for publication in their local paper.

The Kemp's Ridley sea turtle is the most critically endangered sea turtle in the world, and the Padre Island National Seashore is the most important Kemp's Ridley nesting beach in the United States, in terms of the total number of nests located.

Every year, the Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles come back to nest and restore what was once a diminishing species.

I didn’t know it but the Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles are the smallest type of sea turtles. The nesting season for Kemp’s is from April to Mid-July, in which the Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle will crawl up the beach, dig a hole in the sand with their rear flippers, deposit the eggs into the hole, cover the nest, and return to the ocean. After all the resistance of going to Corpus Christi at 4:00 am, when they saw these little guys released and heading to the sea, they told me the trip was so worth it.  They voiced their happiness in loud cheers as the little turtles used their tiny flippers to get them to the water. It really was a great experience. This year, the kids are asking if we’re going again. Only, they made a request to stay in a hotel the night before and not drive out at 4:00 am to be there by 6:00am. I’m still considering it.

For information about upcoming hatchling releases during the nesting season from April to Mid July, call the Hatchling Hotline (361-949-7163).

Mildred Cintron